
Showing posts from May, 2020

Family Issues

 F amily issues  are those issues which everyone face in their day to day life as these troubles can occur anytime with anyone. These issues generally occur due to some sort of troubles with the normal life style as anything new happens then this could cause an disturbance in a persons personal life and his/hers mental peace. The Family issues are more dangerous then depressions sometimes as they take a long time to fix and can usually build a lot of mental pressure for a person. So why does these issues occurs a lot now a days in every family, why there is so much issues which are building between the families one f the reasons can be  1. Communication Gap - People now a days don't talk with each other and have a lot of issues while communicating and that cause a distance between people and that distance cause these family issues. 2. Technology - People now a days come home and start using their mobile or start watching TV or anything like that and they stop giving time to your

Power Of Meditation

The Power of Meditation is just magical and you can feel it when you are completely dedicated toward it as this power is just full of peace and calmness which you have to feel to understand. So, I won't be giving any tips or anything about meditation as in this case because there is actually no tip for it all it takes is just a little bit of dedication and willingness to change. The Change I have realized after this is just magical I sense things in a better way the negativity in your life is not that big now, you start to feel more confident and productive. All the bad thoughts and bad habits are just so easy to remove from your life which makes your mind more clean and thoughts you start getting now is more powerful which forces you to work even harder to achieve your goals and dream. See in my case i was a scared kid how was always scared to share his feeling in front of anyone and was worried of all the small - small things of the life, but now the scen

Made In India

 India, everything about India is just magical as well have been reading about our culture and heritage we are filled with wonders and the vast history which is being followed by the entire world. But the trend of modernization in India has made the youngster forget about the history and the things we have in India and people started shifting towards Foreign goods why because of advertising as people all around the world started making ads like if you have this you will look good, you will become cool and stuff and people fell into that trap and they started buying those things instead of our own made goods. OK Let me ask you few things : 1. Do you know most of the stuff you buy is not actually Imported from any country and is made in India only but the money is being earned by International companies just because of their brand name. 2. most of the famous things like candy and many other things were first made in India in small village but then it was not good for health as said by bi

OnePlus 8 Pro X-Ray Vision or Color Filter Scam ?

One Of the biggest brands OnePlus has made a huge mistake with their 4th camera which had an infrared censor can see through things now with a help of a filter which is present in the camera app itself. Credit for the pic goes to ANDROIDPIT As you can see many people are reporting that you can see through clothes and other stuffs through this camera of Oneplus 8 pro  Pic Credit goes to TechNave Yes it can see through plastic, clothes and a lot of  different things but now comes the biggest problem does it have the ability to see through clothes see right now no one has reported it can show completely through clothes but yes it can do it till some extend. Many you-tubers have covered the issues  1. technical guruji 2. Unbox therapy and many other you tubers and bloggers have used this feature and they are shocked to see that a camera can do that much. So what One-plus is doing about this situation so they have completely agreed about the situa

Sense Of Humor

Sense of Humor is the biggest art which every person want's to learn but is unable to do so because this requires a lot of presence of mind which requires a lot of practice and a person with a calm mind who can process a lot of stuff in his mind within few minutes and can relate it to a situation. Many comedians use this trick as they observe a lot of things which is happening in the society and near them then they come up with an imaginary situation and make it funny, but it is not that simple you need a properly trained mind so you can actually make a situation funny with offending the other person and making a situation funny is not easy at all. You need to keep few things in Mind before learning this art of creating Humor. 1. Yes sometimes abuses makes things sound funny but this a one time trick and many people might not like it and this is not cool to abuse someone or something to make it a joke there is no talent in that. 2. Always understand the Situation when you are going

What Is Love

Love, the most wonderful feeling in this world any person who is living in this world wants to feel this every single day as the feeling of love is just magical. Love is not just about relationship of a man or a women but it is the feeling of care, affection, respect, Loyalty, or anything towards the other person. Love is everywhere, it is present when a baby is born till the time a person takes his/her last breath in this world. Love includes of a lot of different emotions like Sadness, Crying, Affection, Loyalty, Respect, Happiness, Joy, Jealousy,  or anything when you feel it for some one is called Love. Love is everywhere, Love is Between families, Love is between couples, animals are love, Food is Love, Doing something scary is love or anything which gives you a dopamine rush is Love. Love is not about Having someone in your life, Love is all about staying with that person for the rest of your Life. People say you only live once but i say this is completely wrong because you live

Importance Of Fitness

Fitness is one of the most important thing in someones life as no one can live a long life till the time you make your self fit because your body needs to be fit if you want it's organs to be working in a  completely fine condition. Fitness consists of various things which you can do to make sure your body and mind stays completely set and healthy for anything at every time. 1. Yoga - It is a physical, Mental and Spiritual practice originated in India, The ultimate goal of yoga is moksha and the person who achieves that goal is called yogi/yogan. Gym - A place where all the equipment's are kept which is used to maintain your body, and make you fit and healthy by using weights and heavy equipment's so you can build a body and be look good. Cross Fit - This is a new concept which deals with weights as well as physical fitness and improving core strength with the help of motion natural resource. And there is a lot of different ways to make your body fit and healthy, and you re

2020 The Worst Year Of Everyone's Life

2020 the worst year of everyone's life,this year has just been a mess from the starting only but there is always 2 sides of the coin as for the environment and for our Eco system this year was just a blessing in disguise as our rivers are clean now the weather is taking it's place back, forests are growing back, animals are showing up and everything is getting better but for the humans this year has been a disaster. * Around 315K People are dead due to corona virus * We have lost 2 extremely talented celebrities Mr Irfan Khan & Rishi Kapoor * People are loosing their jobs * People are stuck in their homes. * Police is stuck out side their houses taking care of the public * Doctors are dealing with deaths every single day * Workers walking to their homes from 1 state to another in this extremely hot weather. This year just sucks as 1 was also supposed to get my degree this year and my convocation got cancelled  which made this year even bad for me.   See everyone is evil in

College Days

Every Student's Dream journey start's from this place as each and every single one of us is so attached to these days, this is a best time period of a student's life here you make memories, friends, carrier, love and a lot more things which is impossible to express. Every student is always attached with his/her's college life as you go there to learn about our subjects but you go out from there after learning the importance of life, friendship and love. many of us has been trough this journey and we all love it or hate it but there are a lot of memories which can never be removed from your life. Same was in my case my college life was extremely memorable for me as I was a new kid in Mumbai that to living alone is such a big city for months was already a stress bomb on my head as my dad is in para military so we have to travel to a new place after every 3 to 4 years. I went to the collage and the first day was a bit nerve racking for me as people he

Life Of A Hospitality Management Student

Hospitality Management or we can say Hotel management is the field with a lot of scope and money in it but this field demands a lot of hard work, Dedication & Sacrifices. This field is full of courses in which you can do your specialization like : 1. Food Production - As peoples call it Chef's Life which everyone think's is the only thing is hotel management course i yes one of the core departments of Hospitality but there are 3 other courses and 2 extra departments. Becoming a chef is extremely hard you have to learn a lot of terms and major and minor skills and believe me there is hell lot of thick books of oxford for learning just the terms of culinary, practicals are completely different standing for more then 12 hours in this extreme heat of gas and those rubber shoes which are extremely thick but yes you get to wear that precious chef coat. 2. Food & Beverage Service - an extremely hard service which requires a lot of dedication and knowledge of every single thing


Promise is the biggest thing you can every make, many people don't take it seriously but always think about the other person because whenever you make a promise other person gets a hope that you will do what you have said, if you completing your promises then it's good you are the man/woman of your words and everyone should learn from you but if you are not completing your promise always think you are loosing the trust in yourself and you are also loosing the trust of others because no one will ever trust a person how can not fulfill their promises, No recruiter will ever want an employee like this and No person will take this type of a person as their lover or life partner. Promises are used so casually these days that people don't even care about it now, but giving your words to someone is very big you giving them a hope and if you are giving anyone a fake hope in your life then you are the worst type of person someone can ever become. 1. Everything works on promises you

Problem's Of Banker's In 2020 (Covid-19 & Demonetization)

Bankers are facing an lot of troubles in this period of lock down as they still have to work and they are not provided with any protection kit, but still they are going to work to make sure people get their money who don't know how to use online banking facilities. Bankers are always put in stress like when demonetization happened banker had to work so hard for first understanding the complete policy then they had to manage such a hug crowd which is already angry because of the warm weather and then they had to stand for hours in line just to give back their old 500 and 1000 RS note. Bankers face a lot of abuses in this time as people used to think they are not working and they are making people suffer in that heat but that was not true they had to follow the rules and they were the ones who faced all the issues, working for long hours, doing overtime, Getting abused by the public, and a lot of different troubles they had faced in that point of time. When the problems of demonetiza

Word Play - How to Use Words Properly

Sometimes People don't realize that the words are very powerful it has the ability to break you or make you, but still people don't realize how we to use your words properly because words are free to be used and to say anything but they might cost you later on. When you are demotivating someone and making them feel bad about themselves do you have ever felt what are you guys doing, how you are effecting someone's mental health no because every thing is a joke to you till it is happening with someone else, but think about it if someone will start doing it with you how you will feel about it. It is easy to say anything but think about the consequences of what you are doing people are already so stressed about a lot of things which are happening in their life's and on the top of that you are also demotivating them, abusing them making them feel bad about themselves. See yes we have freedom of speech and we can use it any how we want but no one has given you the right to ju

Setting Goals And Priorities

Goals & Setting up your priorities are the most important thing is someones life, You will not feel it right now but yes one day or the other you have to do that if you want to achieve something in life see until you are not setting a goal you can never work towards a target and maybe you will achieve something but it will be not 100%. Sometimes in life you do not realize how much time you waste every single day life watching YouTube videos, using social media, watching memes, playing games, & now you have wasted around 5 - 6 hours of your day successfully and now maybe after reading this maybe you will realize how much time you have wasted and how you could have sued that time for personal growth, you could have started reading a book or you could have started writing a book or it can be anything. Your need to understand something see if you have set goals and you are not achieving them is fine you really do not need to cry in front of the people about how you was unable to ac

Covid-19 & Lock-Down

Corona Virus or COVID-19 Is a Infectious Virus which can spread when a patient coughs or sneezes but the particles are 2 heavy to stay for long in the air and they fall down on the floor. It can Spread when you come in contact with any diseased person or touch any contaminated place. It was first identified in December 2019 in WUHAN,CHINA and till now it has spread globally with currently are 4.44 million active cases, in around 188 countries, and has cause around 302,000 deaths globally. Common Symptoms can be Cough, Fever, Fatigue, Shortness in Breath, Loss of Taste and Smell and can lead to multi organ failure, blood clots,  these symptoms can be seen in 5 days normally but it takes between 2 to 14 days to show them selves. This virus can be spread by any type of contact and can travel in air for long period of time, and can be spread before the sick person realizes that he is suffering from Covid -19. It can be stopped to spread more in that area by disinfecting the area, washing h