Family Issues

 F amily issues  are those issues which everyone face in their day to day life as these troubles can occur anytime with anyone. These issues generally occur due to some sort of troubles with the normal life style as anything new happens then this could cause an disturbance in a persons personal life and his/hers mental peace. The Family issues are more dangerous then depressions sometimes as they take a long time to fix and can usually build a lot of mental pressure for a person. So why does these issues occurs a lot now a days in every family, why there is so much issues which are building between the families one f the reasons can be  1. Communication Gap - People now a days don't talk with each other and have a lot of issues while communicating and that cause a distance between people and that distance cause these family issues. 2. Technology - People now a days come home and start using their mobile or start watching TV or anything like that and they stop giving tim...


In today's world people is only talking about money now a days yes we can say money matters a lot and you need money to survive in this world but is it getting more important then your happiness, your dreams ?

do take out some time and sit alone and think about it does you guys only want money in your life or are you happy with that money or job where you are working ?

If the answer is yes then Great you are on the right track but if  now then you really need to think and take some time out of your life that why are you doing it to yourself, does this money is more important then your own happiness and growth. Money can be earned any how there is a lot of way to earn but till the time you are not earning that respect or then menatal peace at what you are working that money is of no use.
Think again when you are earning this much money at a job which you don't love how much you can earn if you do what you love to do.
Just think how much fun it will be waking up every day and doing what you love to do yes it might take some time to reach at that level to earn some good amount of money but many business takes time and risks.

"So ask yourself do you have that guts to quit what you are doing and do what you want to do in life."

This life is to short to just earn money and work like a slave till you are old do something in this time which will give you happiness in your old ages.
Do what you like with complete passion and success will come to you one day or the other.

"Work For Your Passion, Not Just For Earning Money"
I can give you the example of many people who left their schooling, their jobs just to follow their passions and see where they are now
1. Ajay Nagar - Carry Minati One of biggest You-tubers of India
2. Bill Gates - Collage Drop Out is now a multi millionaire
3. Sandeep Maheshwari - Left his job now he is the biggest speaker and a You tuber

And Many other are the prime examples of that sometimes you can quit and do what you actually want to do in life and success will come to you.

SO Think again and again till the time you find your real passion and satisfy yourself that yes this is the what you want to do every day and make it a carrier.


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