
Showing posts from June, 2020

Family Issues

 F amily issues  are those issues which everyone face in their day to day life as these troubles can occur anytime with anyone. These issues generally occur due to some sort of troubles with the normal life style as anything new happens then this could cause an disturbance in a persons personal life and his/hers mental peace. The Family issues are more dangerous then depressions sometimes as they take a long time to fix and can usually build a lot of mental pressure for a person. So why does these issues occurs a lot now a days in every family, why there is so much issues which are building between the families one f the reasons can be  1. Communication Gap - People now a days don't talk with each other and have a lot of issues while communicating and that cause a distance between people and that distance cause these family issues. 2. Technology - People now a days come home and start using their mobile or start watching TV or anything like that and they stop giving time to your

How To Start A YouTube Channel

YouTube is the biggest profession in today's time as we all can see how much the game of social media has changed once posting videos on YouTube was just an hobby but now it has become a profession and people has started earning through it. there are a lot of different ways and categories in which people upload their videos for their viewers but the real boost which came to this social media field is due to JIO in India as the JIO came and started giving free 1 - 2 GB internet for free every single day people went crazy for social media and suddenly this field of social media boomed and google realized that this is the time where you can get more content creators and it became a profession more then a hobby now.  1. Content is the Key - As we all know people are searching YouTube and google for literally everything now a days which is giving more watch time and company is earning a lot through that which allows the company to pay these creators for bringing in more viewers and subs

Life After Lockdown

Life after lock-down will be extremely weird as what we have seen till now is people are getting crazy day by day they are literally doing anything and bad things are happening all around the world people are killing animals they are doing wrong stuff like what the hell is happening, that to it was just lockdown which has shown us the real face of the society that what people are and what they can do just to entertain themselves. See the society is grouped into sections  1) upper class - the people who are earning a lot of money and they don't care if the lock-down is there or not 2) Middle class - who can barely survive this by being safe in this lock-down 3) Lower class - people who work for daily wages ad these are people who all are suffering a lot in this lock-down as there is not work so they are unable to earn money which is forcing them to do wrong things for their survival. What I have seen after the lock-down has opened people are getting more and more crazy,m they are th

Future of Writers - is Technology taking over books ?

Writers Vs Technology What do you think who is winning ? Yes, technology is winning but why ? Because people are willing to get information as quickly as possible without them looking for it in a book,newspaper or in a dictionary. Ever gave a taught why, why we are so busy in our lives that we are unable to take so time out to read something which is without picture and is written in brief instead of just a gimps with a lot of masala. The current media which we have in today's time is completely working on the news which is full of controversy and then they spice it up even more so that they can get more attention because people now a days are only interested in gossips or something controversial but why?  Why books and novels are not popular that much, let me tell you why, see because our mind used to this fast paced life and for happiness and to get that excitement we need something controversial or spicy which can get the attention of our mind and pictures and other things like

Depression & Anxiety

Depression a problem about which people don't generally talk about because still in India people are scared of telling about their issues to anyone else because they are scared of being judged and we can't blame it on them also because they are already feeling that anxiety which we can not understand and people now a days have that tendency to be sweet and supportive in front of you then make fun of you when you not around. See Depression is also a sickness and these people are not weak as others think, they are the most powerful people you can ever meet become depression can make you go crazy and you have that bad taught's every single day of doing something bad to yourself and if you have still serving that level of stress believe me you are a super hero. But you need to understand that this thing is temporary and your life is permanent and you have people who love you, you are not alone in this world. We all are with you so fight and hustle every single day and you will

How To Concentrate On Your Studies

Concentration which is becoming more and more difficult now a days when we have seen we are completely surrounded by distractions now a days like mobile, TV, Internet, and etc it is extremely hard to concentrate when there is all these things around you because of our habits. We are so used to of these things that our life feels completely difficult and empty these days if these things are not around which is the biggest issue because every single day you are just wasting the time and this is not what will help you to concentrate in your life. life is completely different these days we all want everything to be done quickly so we can enjoy but the life is never going to work like that, we have to work hard for everything so that we can understand it's importance and can learn how to value it. While studying also you get distracted so to stay concentrated on your work and to understand more whatever you are reading or trying to learn so for that you need to learn few things which ca

What is Pain And How You Can Become A Believer

What do we understand by pain, anything which hurts us physically or mentally. Yes that is true but it is a extremely wast topic to cover but let me break it up for you so it can become interesting for you to read. My only question to you before we start with this topic is are you a Believer? If Yes, then let's start this blog and if the answer is know try to read it maybe I can change your mind. The power of Pain and Believing in your Hard Work & Dedication is extremely different but they are like 2 opposite sides of the magnet they have to stay together even when they don’t want to be. Pain is the path for your success because whenever you will do anything in your life you have to face this pain, failure, stress & etc things because for becoming successful or to complete anything in your life you have to go through some hard stages only then you can reach your goal. It is same as cutting a pineapple, it is painful and time consuming but once th

How To Build Mental Health

What exactly is mental health, it is the ability of a person’s mind to think properly and process things within few seconds and come up with a solution or answer. This is the definition which you know but there is a lot of things except these things also like mental health is also like physical health the more you workout the better the health will be. Exactly like that mental health needs it’s workout which can be easily done by reading books, listening to good music, meditation the biggest boost for mental health and there are a lot of other ways by which a person can build their mental capabilities. What will happen if you don’t care about your mental health ? The answer to your question is what happens when you don’t take care of your physical health, you get sick exactly like that if you are not talking care of the mind it will become sick then you will have to face a lot of issues like depression, sickness, anxiety, and a lot of different mental issues which can

Importance of Body Language

Body Language is a very important topic to be learned if you want to grow in your life, as I have seen many people face this issue that they don't understand how to react in front of others and instead of their body being controlled by their mind they let their body control the mind which make things more awkward for them. As people don't realize that what their body is doing when they are in a conversation,  1) I often see people folding hands while talking which make other people feel that you are not interested and you are showing closed body language which makes the other person uncomfortable. 2)  SMILE is the biggest difference maker in a conversation because people take some time to trust people and they take time to open up but you can change that by just smiling and introducing yourself with a little bit of enthusiasm. 3) Physical contact can help in creating the change but you really need to understand what type of physical contact is good and what is not preferred as

Sometimes Being Different Is OK

Sometimes Being different is good because every one is not same in this world and you don't need to work as per their choice, you can be different and all the successful people are growing every single day because they are not copying others they are different and they work in different ways to make their future and present better. Successful people don't worry about the future they live to make their present better, because you can only take tension about the future and you also don't know what will happen in that time but as you can see you can definitely change your present scene the only thing you need to do is work hard and hustle till you have achieved your target for the day. Make Targets for the day, week and year and work every single day to complete them, as normally people don't do this but the special ones know that till the time you don't have a target you will never work hard enough to be successful. Different people have different m